Development and Implementation Grant Requirements Phase Two National Press Release

Development and Implementation Grants Requirements

In Phase Two, communities are expected to implement a new, enrollment-based program or significantly expand an existing program for the uninsured in which enrollees have access to a full continuum of services including primary and preventive care.  To accomplish this objective, communities are expected to:

  • Establish comprehensive delivery networks that emphasize primary care, early intervention and reduced inpatient and emergency room usage, paying special attention to traditional providers of care for the uninsured population

  • Develop a detailed implementation plan for the operational infrastructure of the project, including utilization management, quality assurance, and management information services.

  • Implement an outreach, marketing, and enrollment program that identifies and seeks out the uninsured.

  • Initiate member enrollment and delivery of services

  • Collect appropriate baseline and operational data to permit monitoring and evaluation of the impact and success of the delivery system and financing mechanism.

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